Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Headed to East Texas--Out of the Office


Just a quick heads up--I will be out of the office starting this afternoon (Wednesday 5/25) and not back in until Friday mid morning.  Momma Hen and I are going to East Texas for a funeral and also to do some graveyard work.  As I was doing research on cemeteries I learned that one of the old cemeteries my people are buried in is a hot spot for ghost hunting--not that I am ghost hunting--but I thought it was interesting that the spirit activity at this site is particularly high.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Miscellany

Sunday is my day of rest from the computer, starting today I am not going to be on the computer on Sundays at all--no emails will be answered, no blogs or websites updated.  However, thanks to type pad's awesome system I can write posts and schedule them to appear when I want--so all my readers will get a Sunday treat!  Today's post is more a road map, series of directions, of fun places for you to explore in your web meanderings.

First we have an interesting article on the connection between Gospel music and the civil rights movement which you can read here.  We are steeped in the delights of the month of May and vis a vis one of my favorite bloggers, Terri Windling, I offer this link to Katherine Langrish's blog Seven Miles of Steel Thistles which discusses the folklore and music behind the month of May.  She also has an excellent post on the symbolism of apples--and fellow practitioners of the art can see that cunning folk are not the only ones who use apples in love related magic.  Finally for those who are enjoying the green, green, month of May, here is a site devoted to lore about the Green Man or Jack in the Green. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ways to Wealth Candle Ritual


Summer is upon us which means that some of my clients who are in school are currently scrambling to cover tuition costs now for next semester, and the semester after that, and the semester after that...and for those who aren't in school--well is anyone really going to turn down extra cash?  For work like this one of my favorite spells incorporates both down home Hoodoo and some help from the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi.  Some readers of this blog know that I studied Sanskrit and Eastern religions extensively several years ago and in fact attained my Masters in the subject.  Lakshmi is regarded in America as the Hindu Goddess of wealth and abundance but she is in fact so much more.  You can read an article I wrote about here here.  

What you will need for the spell:

One 7 knob candle in green or a green taper candle divided into 7 sections

a pin or nail to carve into the candle with

1 pack magnetic sand

1 bottle money drawing oil

An image of the Goddess Lakshmi

Flowers, a bowl of uncooked rice, and sweet smelling incense as offerings to Lakshmi (she loves hot pink)



Doing the work:

Before beginning the spell sit down with a pen and piece of paper and consider all of the ways that you have at your disposal to bring in money.  Lakshmi is a Goddess who manifests abundance in a number of different areas of life--she can bring you fame, wealth, success, enough food, shelter, and clothing ask for her help and guidance as you consider all of the areas that could be financially productive in your life (even if they aren't right now!)  In a perfect world you will have 7 or more areas, if you don't, don't worry.

Set up your altar to Lakshmi with her image and the offerings before her.

Take the green 7 knob candle or taper and write each area that could make you money in one of the spaces.  If you have 7 areas then you will have one per space--if you only have 3 or 4 then you will need to double up and repeat yourself, if you have more than 7 then double up and put several possibilities in the same space--the idea is that each space has at least one word in it. 

Annoint the candle with money drawing oil and sprinkle with magnetic sand

burn a section a night under the waxing moon

When the candle has finished burning dispose of the ritual remains in the appropriate manner.  The rice that has been sitting before Lakshmi has been blessed (prasad) and can now be consumed--as you eat the rice you will also eat the blessing of Lakshmi.  If you cook it with beans even better as beans are symbolic of good luck!  Save a few grains to put into a money drawing mojo hand.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Apprentice week and updates

Well, the Lucky Mojo Apprenticeship has come and gone.  Momma Hen and I are both now graduates and apprentices and we will be able to pass on the knowledge we have learned at the hands of miss cat and the LMC staff to our own clients!  It was a touch and go thing for me this year, I was not sure I would be able to make the apprenticeship with the new baby, but we managed and he did great! It has also been a crazy, crazy past few weeks--we have moved, Milagro Roots has its own office space, and I have several new, exciting, and BIG projects that I am working on--more will be revealed in time.  I plan on talking a bit in a later post about the awesome Hoodoo Workshops sponsored by MISC, but right now I just want to tell everyone hi and let the graduates from miss cat's HRCC course know that the apprenticeship is so totally, completely, amazingly worth it!  Most of the time when folks talk about the apprenticeship we discuss the fact that is one of those incredibly rare opportunities where you get to learn from a living master the hands on approach to old fashioned conjuration.  However, it is really so much more than that.  Apprenticing with miss cat grounds you firmly in the history of our tradition.  As Hoodoo and all things conjure related become more and more popular we also see more and more people trying to claim what Conjure is or is not.  The nice thing about our tradition is that there are many primary source materials that can help separate the wheat from the chaff and the apprentices get quite familiar with these materials.  I believe that the entire process makes one a better magical worker but I also believe that it makes one more knowledgeable and therefore of greater service to clients.  I will leave you all with a few pics from the week:

Stiring up bath crystals

Momma Hen and Lil' Jessi preparing bath crystals


Sachet powders #1

Sachet powders #2

Sachet powders #3
Miss cat's awesome collection of antique sachet powders

Baby Jasper taking it all in
Baby Jasper taking it all in

Sunday, May 1, 2011

status quo

Hi everyone,

Quick update: email readings have been delayed because I have been on the road for the past 4 days driving up to Forestville, California to finish my apprenticeship with miss cat and to participate in the Hoodoo workshops.  I should be able to start getting back on schedule today. Also, if any of you guys will be at Lucky Mojo for the workshop weekend come and visit me in the reader's tent!!!  I will be reading from 2 fabulous tarot decks so stop by and say hello!