Saturday, February 26, 2011

Early Stages

We are now in the early stages of labor with contractions happening though not always regularly.  I am sticking close to home and finishing up the last pieces of business before taking a break.  All vigil candle orders placed after 2/25 will not be filled until after I am back on my feet and lighting candles for everyone--I will let you know here when that is.  If you need a vigil candle lit for a situation ASAP, I highly recommend that you seek out the services of Missionary Independent Spiritual Church.  My husband and I thank you all for your continued prayers and support!



  1. I pray for the safe delivery of the baby, I am sure everything will be ok and wonderful! Enjoy the beautiful first moments with the baby! Blessings! Judit

  2. Hope the 3 of you are doing great and will keep you in my prayers
    many blessings
